Communication process in the hospitality and tourism sector English essay

1 Introduction. Today, English is seen as a lingua franca, a common language spoken by people whose native languages ​​are diverse. The English language is used as a means of communication in business, academia, commerce, tourism, international politics and other forms of global events. Alomoush amp Al-Na imat, 2018 Liao, Hsu, As the process of providing information, ideas and emotions, With the ultimate goal of achieving a certain effect, marketing communication is of great importance for the tourism sector. The tourism and hospitality literature has recognized the importance of culture in encounters between hosts and guests and industry players. Although the definition of culture is still ambiguous and rather enigmatic, especially in the field of tourism and hospitality, the following definition of the concept of culture has been derived: The rapid development of the tourism and hospitality industry can directly impact the English language, which is the most used and spoken language in international tourism of the twenty. It was noted that the undergraduate curricula. 03.02 Tourism 03.03 Hospitality involves the study of two foreign languages ​​and some vocational disciplines in a foreign language, especially English: Practical Course on Intercultural Communication in Foreign Languages ​​Workshop of, This page of the essay, Download the full version above. Tourism is recognized as an important industry in the Philippines. Its importance as a key driver and contributor to socio-economic growth is recognized in the Republic of the Tourism Policy Act. It has seen an increasing direct contribution to the Abstract. The rapid development of the tourism and hospitality industry will have a direct impact on the English language, the most widely used and spoken language in international tourism in the 21st century. English for Tourism plays a vital role in providing quality service. Employees in the tourism and hospitality sector are completely. Needs analysis plays a crucial role in developing a curriculum for English for specific purposes. This study identified the needs, functions and problems of employees in the tourism sector using English language. A questionnaire was used and the data was analyzed for frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. The findings showed that speaking plays an important role. Explain the communication process and some common uses of communication in the hospitality and tourism industries. Motivation is the key to continuously perform at the highest level. An introduction. Tourism is the largest and fastest growing industry in the world. It is a source of income and employment. It also gives people the opportunity to understand the culture, civilization and religious aspects of a country. There are many countries whose main source of income is tourism. The communication process is only successful if the receiver understands an idea as the sender intended. Both parties must agree not only on the information conveyed, but also on the meaning of that information. A simple communication process is shown in the diagram below. Noise. Noise. Noise. Noise; People may offend others without meaning to because of their cultural differences in nonverbal communication. There are many forms of non-verbal language, such as proxemics, kinesics, haptics, facial expression, eye contact and para-language. These are examples of non-verbal communication barriers in the hospitality industry. Explain the communication process and some common uses of communication

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