What is social banditry

Social banditry is a 'pre-political rebellion' and usually occurs in agricultural societies during periods of oppression, high taxes or famine. According to Sanders, these taxes are unlikely to have led to rampant Nigerian banditry, nor to any ideas on how to rein it in. "The problem is that the peace agreements negotiated so far are seriously flawed and implemented in an amateurish manner." Director of the Center for Democracy. It is against this backdrop that this study, underpinned by routine activities theory, used a thematic research approach to assess the roadmap for tackling insurgency, armed banditry and kidnapping. Abstract. Banditry has swept across the Nigerian landscape and manifests itself in cattle rustling, kidnappings, armed robbery, raids on villages or settlements, indiscriminate killings and sexual and gender-based violence, among others. This conflict has escalated and intensified over the past decade and threatens human security in Nigeria. Hobsbawm characterizes social banditry as a form of class resistance within the periphery of society. This essay will discuss pirates, not farmers, but will demonstrate how these principles apply to Golden Age pirates. There is certainly much evidence that pirates adhere to this definition of social banditry. 2. The concept of banditry in Nigeria. Scholars have consistently debated the term banditry, what it is and how it affects humanity. However, the first generation of debates focused mainly on Eric Hobsbawm's 'social banditry' Kheng. They focused more on defining the character of bandits and the ability to control the. women and schoolchildren. Discover the world's research. 25 million members Armed banditry poses a serious threat not only to the internal security of Zamfara State but also to the national security of Nigeria in general, given its consequences and implications. Social crime has existed for many generations. Indeed, the work bandit itself comes from 'Italian', meaning a man who is outside society. As opposed to tackling crime as it occurs, it may be better for a given society to tackle the root cause of social banditry rather than outright police action. The social banditry and social changes occurred simultaneously, and it is difficult to say which dominated. Social banditry is a Marxist concept. “Hobsbawm,” wrote Curott and Fink, 2012: 471, “provides an explanation for the positive reception of bandits based on Marxist class analysis..”

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