Multidrug Resistance Mdr in Cancer Biology Essay

Multidrug resistance, MDR, is responsible for deaths in cancer patients receiving traditional chemotherapeutic agents or new targeted drugs. The mechanisms of MDR include increased metabolism, Introduction. Multidrug resistance, MDR, is defined as the resistance of cancer cells to one chemotherapeutic drug, accompanied by resistance to other chemotherapeutic drugs that may have different structures and mechanisms of action. , This phenomenon is called multidrug resistance. MDR ATP-binding cassette ABC transporters have been well studied as one of the key factors mediating MDR in cancer, as many members in the superfamily of ABC transporters are responsible for the efflux of structurally distinct anticancer drugs. and Elferink, 2002. Introduction. One of the main causes of treatment failure in many cancers is the inherent or acquired resistance of tumor cells to chemotherapeutic agents with different chemical structures and mechanisms. This is called multidrug resistance, MDR is a multifactorial phenomenon involving several factors. Breast cancer, especially metastatic breast cancer, is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in women. This is mainly due to relapse and recurrence of the tumor. The main reason for cancer relapse is the development of multidrug resistance, MDR, which hinders treatment and prognosis. MDR can occur due to a large number of molecular resistances to multiple drugs. MDR is a major obstacle to effective therapeutic interventions against cancer. This review describes the known MDR mechanisms in cancer cells and discusses ongoing research. The development of multidrug resistance (MDR) to chemotherapy remains a major challenge in cancer treatment. Resistance to any effective anticancer agent exists and can develop through numerous mechanisms, including decreased drug absorption, increased drug efflux, activation of detoxification systems, activation of DNA repair. Multidrug resistance is a mechanism by which chemotherapeutic drugs develop resistance in the treatment of cancer. Multidrug resistance, MDR, is the most essential test for this. Abstract. Multidrug resistance MDR poses a significant obstacle to effective cancer treatment, and the tumor microenvironment TME is crucial for the development and reversal of MDR. The TME plays an active role in promoting MDR through various routes. However, a promising therapeutic approach to combat MDR involves multidrug resistance MDR, developed in many cancer cells, as a critical problem limiting the efficacy of cancer chemotherapeutics. MDR can develop based on a variety of mechanisms. One of the most common mechanisms involves drug efflux from cells through 'triphosphate-binding cassette ABC transporters, such as Multidrug resistance MDR of cancer cells is a significant challenge in chemotherapy, highlighting the urgent medical need for simple and reproducible strategies to reverse this process.1. Introduction. Cancer is one of the most devastating malignant diseases that threaten human health. Chemotherapy is one of the first-line strategies for cancer treatment in the clinic 1, 2, 3, but a major barrier to successful chemotherapy is the emergence of multidrug-resistant MDR, a state of resilience to target selectivity 3. Even more importantly. There is resistance to already available ones,

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