The game of volleyball Physical education essay

Who invented volleyball, William G. Morgan, director of physical education at the YMCA, is credited with inventing volleyball. Originally called Mintonette, this innovative sport was born from Morgan's desire to create a game suitable for older members of the YMCA who found basketball too strenuous. Life and Career of William Many children today do not go outside to play, but stay indoors and play video games or watch TV. catching, throwing and hitting, applicable to sports such as baseball, volleyball or karate. Balance skills can be applied to dance or gymnastics. the importance of physical education is proven in this essay. Playing volleyball also improves muscular and cardiovascular endurance. Improved circulation circulates more blood, oxygen and nutrients throughout the body, improving body functions and your overall health and well-being. 4. Improves hand-eye coordination. Volleyball requires that you pay close attention to the ball so that you can reap the physical benefits of volleyball. Volleyball strengthens your upper body and your arms, shoulders, thigh and lower leg muscles. It can also tone and strengthen the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Volleyball can help circulate more blood, oxygen and nutrients in the body and increase your energy levels. Benefits of playing volleyball. There are many physical benefits to playing volleyball. It improves the strength of your arms and certainly improves hand-eye coordination. Volleyball is also a great way to improve cardio fitness. And by being so active with other people, social skills will increase. The two-goal game led to players scoring more goals, 0. compared to the normal game, while the cage hockey game increased passing, 1. and physical demands, 7. per. Here we want to analyze the use of sport as a tool to promote the healthy development of children. To do this, we have divided the positive outcomes of sport into three main categories: 1 attributing meaning to exercise, 2 physicality, fantasy and play, and 3 ethics: positive identifications and a sense of belonging. Introduction. Volleyball has the highest participation rate among female high school team sports.1 -2017, the National Federation of State High School Athletic Associations reported increased participation in volleyball, which accounted for total female participation in high school,1. This essay sample was donated by a student to benefit the academic community. Papers from EduBirdie writers typically outshine student samples. Cite this essay. To download. Sports are something I enjoy doing and watching, but have never been good at. Volleyball was the first sport that I could say that I am not bad at and that I practice,

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