Introduction to Clinical Decision Support Systems Computer Science Essay

Introduction. CDS clinical decision support systems include any electronic system designed to directly support clinical decision making by using individual patient characteristics to generate patient-specific assessments or recommendations. 1. Systems require computable biomedical knowledge, person-specific data, and a. Clinical decision support systems use expert system design principles to simulate the processes of diagnosis and treatment commonly performed by medical experts, Dinevski. 1. Introduction There is growing interest in the use of computer-based clinical decision support systems. CDSSs to Reduce Medical Errors 1 and Increase Quality and Efficiency of Healthcare 2. CDSSs are “software designed as a direct aid to clinical decision making. in which the characteristics of an individual patient lie, 2.2. Eligibility Criteria. The following inclusion criteria were used for the selection of relevant studies: 1 the study should have evaluated the implementation of a CDSS in primary care and 2 CDSS included everything from simple reminders to complex computer-clinical decision support systems, all of which are relevant to the clinical decision support systems CDSS are computer systems designed to assist in the delivery of healthcare, and ML is exploited for their development. The explainability of such systems is a relatively new area of ​​research and this work aims to present their application, benefits, gaps and future opportunities through the key features of the clinical decision support system. In our study, the main features of the Clinical Decision Support System CDSS are as follows: A doctor enters a patient's symptoms, findings, and test results into the system, and the system displays a ranking of possible diseases. The input information is as follows: Clinical Decision Support Systems DSSs are intended to improve decision-making in healthcare, with the ultimate goal of improving the quality of care provided by the healthcare system. Since earlier years, clinical DSSs have often been conceptualized as applications of artificial intelligence AI methodologies to the medical field. Holistic Healthcare HHC is a synonym for complete patient care, and as such, an efficient clinical decision support system CDSS for HHC is critical to support the physician's judgment in response to the patient's physical, emotional, social, economic, and spiritual needs . are new clinical decision support systems CDSSs that generate new knowledge in real time. the more traditional rule-based systems are developed using existing clinical knowledge and can only make recommendations for a limited number of cases. CDSSs have the potential to address a wide range of cases. decision support systems to define basic criteria for the use of intelligent techniques. The use of AI in clinical systems raises ethical questions. We also discuss the ethical, economic, legal and societal implications of AI in clinical practice. Volume: 09, p-ISSN: 2395-0072. An overview of the clinical decision support system. ANA, PRINCE ONEBIENI, EDIM, AZOM EMMANUEL. of Computer Science, Cross. Results. Journals were ultimately selected for this review based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria..

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