Multiculturalism in the Education Sector Education Essay

Carl A. Grant has spent the last several years researching, teaching, thinking, and writing about some of the most important enduring issues in multicultural education. He has contributed to numerous books and articles, and is a past president of the National Association for Multicultural Education. In his selected works, Carl Grant brings together Multicultural Education, Multilingual, 1007 978-3-319-26880-4 7. The nature of multicultural education. Discussion in South Africa. Crain Soudien and Carolyn McKinney. The purpose of this article is to shed light on the concept of multiculturalism in educational settings in the US. In particular, the term multicultural education is discussed, as well as some of them. Ali Rattansi. Christine Sleeter, Carmen Montecinos. Kogila Moodley. Nazir Carrim, Crain Soudien. Geoffrey Short, Bruce Carrington. Sonja Nieto. Derek Hodson. Mary Kalantzis, Bill Cope. This book aims to bring together two movements – multiculturalism and anti-racism – that, although they have common goals, have been common. This article discusses the meaning of multiculturalism, emphasizing the different cultural communities and the governance strategies and policies employed by the government. Particular attention is paid to the issues and cases from the education system that are examined in the light of post-colonialism and the era of globalization.1. Introduction. The concept of multiculturalism was first officially put forward in connection with the cultural, ethnic, social and political demands of national minorities and immigrants in the program of the Trudeau government in Canada, Fleras amp Elliott, Guo, The concept of multiculturalism, It stands to reason therefore that multicultural education for a new multicultural South Africa has become a logical, results-based necessity. The extent to which multicultural education will succeed largely depends on the knowledge, attitude, beliefs and behavior of the teacher as initiator, facilitator and manager of education. The significance of cultural festivals in education. Cultural festivals play a crucial role in promoting diversity, inclusivity and multicultural understanding in schools. They provide a platform for students to learn more about different cultures, traditions and customs. By actively participating in cultural festivals, students develop respect.

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