Mitigating the Risks of Algal Blooms Environmental Science Essay

Definition. Marine harmful algal blooms HABs refer to the rapid proliferation and/or high accumulation of biomass of toxic or otherwise harmful algae at the surface of the sea, water column and benthic systems that harm marine organisms and ecosystems due to the production of toxins and /or inducing hypoxia, as well as the way in which the alga. 1. Introduction. Harmful algal blooms HAB are estimated to have an economic impact of millions of dollars per year in US states, Anderson et al. 2000, CDC, 2020. HABs are typically composed of a high density of algae-producing toxins that potentially compromise the health of local communities can damage. The application of modified clay MC to reduce harmful algal blooms. HABs are becoming a widespread practice in China because of its low cost, high efficiency and environmental friendliness. One of those challenges is the presence of harmful algal blooms (HABs) in the ocean, which can have a major impact on aquatic life. In this article, we look at the impact of this challenge on aquaculture and monitoring strategies, while illustrating the potential for technological interventions to help mitigate the impact of a HAB. Eutrophication causes several problems, including hypoxic 'dead zones' that reduce fish and shellfish production. harmful algal blooms that cause taste and odor problems and threaten the safety of drinking water and aquatic food supplies, stimulating greenhouse gas emissions and damaging the cultural and social values ​​of these waters. Cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms CHABs are becoming increasingly serious worldwide. Combining nutrient source control with post-flowering control is currently considered the best strategy to deal with CHABs1. However, huge investments in this strategy have proven ineffective in China, as evidenced by yet another massive algae bloom in inland lakes that has had negative ecological impacts. health effects of animals and humans. We used archived Landsat images to investigate ABs in lakes, gt. around the.

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