Failed Propaganda in World War I History Essay

World War I 1914 - 1918. This major event became known as the Great War, the first war fought along modern industrial lines that lasted. It was also the first time chemical weapons were introduced, resulting in one of the first genocides of the century. The focus of this was that Propaganda posters sought to rally fighting spirit on the home front, raise money for war bonds and create a sense of togetherness in a vast and diverse country. Artists created posters to reach people on multiple levels, often in unconscious ways, to force them into action by calling any resistance unpatriotic and even challenging. Millions more soldiers died, millions more were injured, while millions more fell victim to the flu pandemic that the war helped spread. The war was left in its wake. It is one of history's great ironies that Woodrow Wilson, who was re-elected as a peace candidate, led America into World War I. Using a propaganda apparatus unparalleled in world history, Wilson forged a nation of immigrants into a fighting whole. A survey of public opinion before the war. Screenshot from War Comes to America, one of seven propaganda films produced in the Why We Fight series. The United States commissioned a series of seven films used for propaganda entitled Why We Fight. The films were used as a way to justify American soldiers fighting in the war, as well as a way to engage the American public in World War I. haunts us, partly because of the sheer size of the fallen fighters and many more wounded. Numerous civilians also lost their lives, either through military action, famine or disease. Entire empires were destroyed and societies were treated cruelly.

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