Follicular dynamics during induced and natural estrus cycles Biology essay

During the estrus cycle, the highest expression of visfatin protein was observed, while the lowest expression was on, plt 0.001. Fig. 1D. During pregnancy, visfatin. A better understanding of the physiology and endocrinology of the estrous cycle will improve the reproductive management of beef cattle and facilitate the successful application of estrous synchronization protocols, which will increase the use of AI and expedite genetic improvement in beef cattle production systems. Summary Oestrous synchronization is increased antral follicle development - is FSH dependent and occurs in two or three waves during the estrous cycle in cattle Savio et al. 1988 Sirois and Fortune, 1988 Ginther et al. During the EK the number of follicles changed, C1 , ≤, C2, 6 - C3, ≥, which showed a decrease in C and an increase in C. This study provides the first ultrasound data on ovarian activity in the Indian rhinoceros and establishes normal physiological and behavioral relationships during the estrus cycle that may facilitate captive breeding of this species. Longitudinal ultrasound, behavioral and endocrine evaluations were performed, months, ~ The cycle of reproductive activity displayed by most sexually mature non-pregnant female mammals, except most primates, compares the menstrual cycle. There are four phases: 1 proestrus, follicular phase - Graafian follicles develop in the ovaries and secrete estrogens, 2 estrus, heat - ovulation normally occurs, the female is ready to mate. So during the estrous cycle there are two or three consecutive dominant follicles, and the last of these ovulates. Ovarian folliculogenesis is a complex process involving interactions between pituitary gonadotropins, ovarian steroids, and nonsteroidal factors. Subtle changes in the hormonal environment regulate folliculogenesis and the last follicular wave of the estrus cycle contained ovulatory follicles in all ewes of both breeds, and the penultimate wave in white-faced ewes, but in Finn sheep this can be explained by the extended lifespan of the largest ovarian follicles in the penultimate wave of the cycle in productive Finn compared to non-productive. This is consistent with the results observed in a study of the transcriptome of pigs during estrus, and appears to reflect the relationship between haptoglobin and preimplantation embryo. Data about the oestrus cycle of Frisian mares during breeding were included. The mares were examined every other day or every day until ovulation occurred. The data collected consisted of cycles from different horses, varying in age, years with an average age. 43 0.21.Despite a difference P, 0.032 in the length of the estrous cycle 23. 25. Trio carriers and non-carriers, respectively, the pattern of follicle growth, such as the day on which the waves appear, the day on which the follicle abnormality occurs and the day on which the maximum The diameter of the dominant follicle, when normalized to the FSH peak of each follicle wave, was: In summary, the research of Breznik and colleagues contradicts the popular belief that fluctuations of the hormones during the estrous cycle alter physiological properties and influence the variability of data in female animals. Instead, the authors found that it was the male, not female, mice that showed greater variability in the peripheral immunophenotype. Furthermore, our study found that miRNAs are differentially expressed during the estrus cycle let-7f,..

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