Examining ethics and legalities involved in earning management essay

Ethical management ensures that business employees feel comfortable and productive at work. It also helps to avoid conflict situations and misunderstandings between the subordinates and superiors. An effective leader sets a good example by behaving morally and encouraging other employees to do the same. This article discusses various ways,findings. The findings revealed that ethical leadership is significantly positively related to job satisfaction r, 0.485, p lt 0.01 and affective commitment r, 0.461, p lt 0.01, and significantly negatively related to burnout r, −0.347, p lt 0.01. The results also suggest that frustration tolerance. 0.101, p lt 0.1 and emotional stability. 0.093, Related: Why managers should involve their team in the decision-making process. Ethical responsibilities to society. Promoting ethical behavior can benefit both your business and society in the long run. “I strongly believe that a long-term focus creates long-term value,” says Gandhi in Leadership, Ethics, and Corporate Accountability. Here are five ways to get started. 1. Set a good example. Establishing a culture of ethics and responsibility starts with setting an example as the leader of the organization. By proactively creating a space where you encourage ethical decision-making and responsibility, your team is more likely to do the same.

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