When did Europe start their essay on colonization history

Example: Your essay might discuss Europe's need to find more trading markets. Essay: In three to four paragraphs, write an essay describing how national rivalry played a role in New. A painting by John Vanderlyn depicting Christopher Columbus and members of his crew on a beach in the West Indies, having just landed from his flagship Santa Maria. The Europeans are part of the world, establishing colonies and spreading their influence over every inhabited continent. British military and maritime power, led by men like Robert Clive, James Wolfe and Eyre Coote, conquered two of the most important parts of the world for Britain. his empire Canada and India. Fighting between the British and French colonies in North America was endemic in the first half of the century, but the Treaty of Paris. The first attempt by Europeans to colonize the New World took place after Christ when the Vikings left the British. Isles to Greenland, founded a colony and then moved on to Labrador.

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