People should strive for moderation in all things. Philosophy essay

Modern psychology describes happiness as subjective well-being, or “people's evaluations of their lives, and includes both cognitive judgments of satisfaction and affective judgments of moods and emotions.” Kesebir amp Diener, 2008, p. 118. The main components of subjective well-being are: Life satisfaction. To implement Temperance: 1. Consider your desires: Take the time to identify your desires and assess whether they align with your values ​​and long-term well-being. 2. Practice moderation: Strive for a balanced approach to life's pleasures by enjoying them in moderation rather than overindulging in them. Written by. Moderation in all things. Summary: Terence, the famous playwright of ancient Rome, once proclaimed Temperance in all things. This e emphasizes the importance of balancing one's actions and desires to avoid extremes. By advocating moderation, Terence emphasizes the importance of finding a middle ground. According to Aristotle these are: 1 physical goods - health, vitality, strength and pleasure 2 external goods - food, drink, shelter, clothing and sleep. 3 goods of the soul: knowledge, skill, love, friendship, aesthetic pleasure, self-esteem and honor. The first two types of goods are limited goods, we can have more of them. Introduction - Clarify the question you will answer in your philosophy paper. State your position, that is, the answer you will argue for. Explain general philosophical terms if necessary. Body - Start by giving arguments for your position and rebutting all objections to each of them. A defense of Aristotle would have to say that the virtuous person does ultimately aim at a means, if only we allow for a sufficiently broad understanding of what constitutes a kind of aiming. John P. amp Anthony Preus eds. 1991, Aristotle's Ethics: Essays in Ancient Greek Philosophy, vol. 5, Albany, NY: The State University of New York Press, 1991. Too many of those who think they are living by moderate principles actually restrict their children's diets or their own diets too much. Cutting out entire food groups, sometimes under cover of. Why moderation in all things can be a good choice. No less and no more just perfect. Everything in moderation, including moderation: Write a rough draft of your essay. It helps to include and focus all data as early as possible, especially with argumentative essays that often cite outside sources: polish your rough draft, optimize word choice, and restructure your arguments if necessary. Make sure your language is clear and appropriate for the. It is difficult for us to divide equally, to distribute things correctly, and to be moderate in many cases. The well-known example is work. I'm not saying you should strive for work-life balance. If working long hours is okay for you and the people you love, then there is a balance. Make sure you maintain open and honest communication with your loved ones.

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