The Adoption of a Reflective Approach and Reflective Teaching Essay

Any teacher training program or professional development course is expected to meet the following requirements of potential teachers or those wishing to enter the profession: i. Consider what they need to know and know for their practice. ii. Connecting with the theory that they can clearly connect with their practice. Furthermore, studies on various aspects of reflective learning at the university level indicate that it significantly improves various aspects of learning. Aryani et al. 2017 Feng, 2016 Kember et al. Reflective thinking. Reflective thinking is an important aspect of learning, involving more than a sequence of simple ideas, but rather a more complex consequence of ideas. 50 p2 Dewey, one of the pioneering authors, philosophers and teachers of the reflective process, defines reflective thinking as 'the active, persistent. Additionally, when writing a reflective essay, you may need to forget the rule of not using pronouns like “I” or “we” in academic writing. In reflective writing, the use of first person is essential. The Reflective Cycle. There are many approaches to reflective learning, but one of the most popular is Gibbs Reflective Cycle.ISSN: 2581-7922. September - Kerwin A. Livingstone, PhD. Reflective essay on learning and teaching. Kerwin Anthony Livingstone, PhD. Applied, This book is about understanding the nature and application of reflection in higher education. It provides a theoretical model to guide the implementation of reflective learning and reflection. Reflective teaching is an innovative approach that should be put into practice in open and distance learning to arouse interest among student teachers who obtain teacher education diplomas through open. Set the tone by using the five W's What, Where, When, Who and Why to describe it. Choose the events or experiences you will reflect on. Identify the issues of the event or experience you want to focus on. Use literature and documents to help you discuss these issues in a broader context. ~ Thinking about reflective thinking. Educational theorists have developed numerous models of reflective thinking that your teacher can use to formulate a reflective writing assignment. These models can help you systematically interpret your learning experiences, so you can ask the right questions and get a clear picture. The amount of time I spent reflecting on the problem hindered my teaching practice. To improve even further, I had to look at alternative models of reflection and learning through implementation and gaining more voluntary experience in schools. During my internship I only taught primary school students and I need to gain teaching experience. The students had to write the second essay by hand on paper. Badley 2009 describes reflective essaying as a writing process in which writers interpret their experiences as they write. Here is a summary of the contents of this article, which also serves as a way to create a mind map: 1. Identify the topic you are going to write about. 2. Write down all the ideas related to the topic and, if you wish, try to draw a diagram to connect topics, theories and ideas. 3.

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