Performance evaluation and improvement of mobile node using Mik essay

A new methodology is proposed to optimize the path of the mobile node, effectively increasing the network's resilience against cascading failures. • The movement, MANET routing protocols are designed to handle changes in the physical arrangement of mobile nodes, along with minimizing packet overhead and packet loss. The real-time dataset is monitored to evaluate each node through the RSU-based technique for performance evaluation and parameter improvement. In this paper, we improve our untraceable mobile sensor node protocol Han K, Kim K, Shon T 2010, 5 4410-4429 that reduces the computation overhead. The mobile node, acting as an agent, departs from the origin and moves in the network based on the selected actions: with each move, the mobile node's state is updated accordingly. The mobile node shares its load with the static nodes within its coordinated communication radius, according to Eq. 4 for load distribution. The misbehaving nodes are located in the middle of the path, i.e. intermediate nodes. Each transmitter node in the network operates in two modes: AACK mode and TA CK mode TWOACK. That's why one. 2.2. Motivation. Existing work on D2D offloading, e.g., 7, 14, assumes that tasks can be offloaded to all nearby nodes. If some nodes leave proximity and disconnect while tasks are running, they rely on the ability of nodes to return results in a pinch. future contact within the time constraints of the task. The growing need for wireless communications has resulted in the widespread use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in a variety of applications. Designing a routing protocol for UAVs is both paramount and challenging due to its dynamic properties. The difficulty arises from characteristics other than mobile ad-hoc networks, A Comparative Performance Evaluation of Routing Protocols for Mobile Ad-hoc Networks. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and, 4 DOI: 10.14569 IJACSA. This article examines the performance of a web server-side platgorm-based, event-driven, non-blocking approach called Node.js, compared to the traditional thread-based server-side approach to handle a large number of client requests simultaneously for a remote and controlling system in IoT remote monitoring applications. The growth of mobile,

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