About Cervical Cancer essay

Globally, cervical cancer is the second most common type of cancer and the second most common cause of cancer death in women of childbearing age 15 to 44 years. India is responsible for about a fifth of the global burden. In pursuit of elimination, the WHO Global Strategy has outlined three goals for countries to achieve: Vaccination: 90 of girls are fully vaccinated with the HPV vaccine by age. Screening: 70 of the women are screened using a powerful test by age, and again by age. Treatment: 90 of. Several factors related to your sexual history can increase your risk of cervical cancer. The risk is most likely influenced by increasing the chance of exposure to HPV. Becoming sexually active at a young age, especially at a younger age. Having many sexual partners.1. Introduction. Cervical cancer is the fourth most common cancer in women worldwide, with an estimated incidence of 000 deaths. Although the incidence of cervical cancer has decreased in the United States, it remains the leading cause of cancer-related deaths in developing countries. . Cervical cancer is the fourth most common cancer among women and other people with a cervix worldwide, with a global incidence. 3,000 of ICC cases occur in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). An inequality caused by inequality in access to prevention and treatment of. Several researchers argue that using the annual screening procedure for cervical cancer is more harmful and its benefits are undermined by the risks associated with it. This essay attempts to discuss the annual screening practice for cervical cancer to identify the EBP that can be used to replace it. We write a custom essay on your topic, conclusion. Cervical cancer is a preventable condition that requires all adult women to undergo regular tests. Women will not benefit from diagnostic tests such as Pap smears, cervical cytology and hrHPV. In contrast, women ages and older are recommended to include these tests in their medical exams. The examples from Uganda and Ghana are typical: as in many African countries, their governments pay more attention to communicable diseases and almost ignore problems such as cancer. As a result, the incidence of cervical cancer is high. 5 100.00 100, annually in Uganda and Ghana accordingly, Wordcount: Date: 06-03-2021. Categories: Cancer medicine and healthcare. Cervical cancer occurs when the abnormal cells in the cervix grow out of control. It usually involves the squamous epithelial cells of the cervix. Some of the risk factors include women engaging in sexual activities at a young age, receiving multiple community-based health education. This increases women's knowledge of cervical cancer, its signs and symptoms, and improves acceptance of cervical cancer treatment. Kolander et al. 2013. Through awareness, women will be able to understand the life of the diseases and the control measures that need to be taken to eradicate the disease. Unlike endometrial cancer, a model of hormonal carcinogenesis, cervical cancer is a model of viral carcinogenesis · Fold variation in age-standardized incidence rates across different populations Fig. 1.1 highlights the role of modifiable factors in the etiology of cervical cancer - essentially exposure to, and,,

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