Regional Security Calculus: Opportunities and Challenges for Pakistan Essay

Security challenges. The length of the corridor may suffer from some safety issues. The heart of the corridor is the crisis-hit Middle East, with some of the participating countries involved in the ongoing conflicts, as well as regional and international parties, such as the dispute between Israel and Iran and between Israel and Iranian allies. In the existing regional context, there are five challenges facing Pakistan, each requiring a foreign policy component: Afghanistan on the western border and the introduction of the Taliban government. In the recent past, monumental changes have occurred in Afghanistan, seemingly ousting the former Ghani government. Abstract. As the world becomes increasingly embroiled in the struggle to contain the coronavirus pandemic and cope with the resulting economic slowdown, Afghanistan is once again entering uncertain times. The country is on the eve of a new transition that could lead to a peaceful and stable future, or slide into a new cycle of poverty. Thus, maintaining maritime security in the western Indian Ocean is as important for Pakistan as for any other regional or extra-region. regional state. A central challenge is therefore the enforcement of maritime laws in Pakistan's area of ​​responsibility using available resources. It is clear that by aligning itself with either of the two major powers, Pakistan will face new security challenges as major powers can muddy the strategic environment. of the region. The growing Indo.

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