Acculturation of ethnic minority consumers essay

Objective Cultural changes that immigrants and ethnic minorities face after moving to a host country can have a detrimental or beneficial impact on their oral health and oral health-related outcomes. Conclusions: According to existing evidence, a positive effect of acculturation on oral health status and behaviors may occur. Practical implications: Dentists must be culturally competent to provide appropriate services and treatments to immigrants and ethnic minorities. Policymakers must also be sensitive. 1 Introduction. Consumer acculturation involves processes related to learning a new culture. Jamal, Pe aloza, amp Laroche, 2015. Previous research has examined antecedents, processes, and outcomes of consumer acculturation among ethnic minority consumers in an offline context. 2005, Kizgin et al. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 10, 66-80. Crossref. 2007. Ethnic identity and acculturation among Hispanic early adolescents: mediated relationships with academic grades. and survey analysis of scientific electronic instruments and consumer package design. She has a special interest in differences. Consumer acculturation is a subset of acculturation, where acculturation is reflected by consumers' consumption of products and brands. Consumer acculturation is the phenomenon of a changing consumer culture where consumers begin to consume items that are symbols of other cultures (Cleveland et al.). A strong or accentuated acculturation orientation to the home country, defined as separation Berry, 1997, represents a risk factor for immigrant and ethnic minority adolescents. Kvernmo and Heyerdahl, 2003: It has already been shown that separation and marginalization strategies for acculturation orientation across ethnic minority groups in consumer marketing confirm the influence of ethnicity and ethnic identity on the consumption of certain types of products. A. and M. Chapman. 2000. Acculturation and interethnic consumer perceptions: can you feel what we feel. Journal of Marketing 365-91. doi:10.1362. Previous consumer research has often conceptualized consumer acculturation as a microprocess of sociocultural adaptation to a new environment through which immigrants utilize available market resources in an attempt to reconstruct their racial ethnic identity. Askegaard, Arnould, and Pe, We operationalized cultural identity in terms of participants. identification with the French majority culture. Both consumers from ethnic majority groups and consumers from ethnic minorities are likely to identify with some. 1. Research on acculturation has applied the concept to a variety of ethnic minority groups that are culturally different from the majority, such as immigrants of all generations, other ethnic and racial minorities, indigenous and colonized Burman and Simon groups. In this overview we use the term 'ethnic minority' to describe it. This study provides a historical overview of research on ethnic minority consumers and related marketing issues and includes more than two hundred articles and books. The growing number of ethnic minority consumers in many parts of the world has developed a strong interest in multicultural consumption. Many consumer researchers have recognized the importance of both national and ethnic cultural influences on the consumption behavior of ethnic minorities. Kang and Laroche et al. 1998, Purpose Although it is essential to recognize the growing diversity in, 2015).,

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