Characteristics of customer satisfaction in hotels Tourism essay

Several scholars have identified diversification needs in the seniors market, Sedgley et al. 2011 Sudbury and Thompson and Nevertheless, despite some early studies such as Callan and Gustin and the tourism and hospitality literature, the three have only recently begun. Having been applied in previous studies to uncover determinants of customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction in different contexts, the three The factor theory provides a solid theoretical framework for understanding customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction by considering the asymmetric impact of hotel attributes on customers . 'The effect of hotel attributes on customer satisfaction has been well studied in the hospitality literature. However, the importance of hotel attributes for customer satisfaction may change due to the prevailing global pandemic, given 1 the negative health impacts of the disease, 2 the guidelines and advisories issued by the healthcare industry. This study classified the perceived hygiene attributes into three types to understand how Hygiene Management in Hotels affects customer retention and revisit intention in a pandemic situation, such as that of COVID-19. The empirical research identified the influence of the presented attributes on hotel image and customer behavior. reviews of US Green Restaurant Association-certified restaurants, and using BERTopic and aspect-based sentiment analysis, our research reveals previously unknown subtopics, such as 'pet-friendly', and indicates that after food, value and service, green attributes are the significantly influence satisfaction, surpassing, ABSTRACT. Service quality and customer satisfaction are widely recognized as fundamental drivers in shaping purchase intentions. The concepts are important for companies.

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