Organic geochemical characteristics of crude oils Environmental science essay

The distribution of heterocyclic and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in crude oils has been proposed as indicators of the source of organic matter OM, the depositional environment, and the thermal environment. Abstract. Crude oils from the Triassic Cuyo Basin are believed to be derived from a freshwater lacustrine source rock, primarily the Upper Triassic-rich organic shale of Cacheuta Fm. By GC and GC-MS methods, the oils were analyzed for characteristic compounds that may reflect the biological input in the source sediments, DOI: 10.1016 S1872-5791 08 60119- ID: 94961771 Compositional Characteristics and Geochemical Significance of N-alkanes in Process of Crude Oil Cracking article Tang2009CompositionalCA, title Compositional Characteristics and Geochemical Significance of N-alkanes in Process of Crude Oil Cracking. Thirty oil samples collected from the eastern Fukang Sag were geochemically analyzed for their biomarkers and carbon isotope compositions. The chemometric methods of principal component analysis and hierarchical cluster analysis, applied to thirteen parameters indicating the source and depositional environment, classified the oil. Based on biomarker analysis of crude oils from the western Qaidam Basin, the geochemical characteristics and significance of C19-C chain steranes were investigated. The oils are characterized by unimodal n-alkane distributions with even a predominance of C18-C24, a low Pr Ph, usually lt 0.5, a high concentration of gammacerane, and a view of the organic geochemical characteristics of crude oils extracted by Semantic Scholar and the Correlation of Oil Source Rocks in the Sunah Oil Field, Masila Region, East Yemen by N. Al-Areeq et al. Based on the systematic study of aromatic hydrocarbons in crude oil samples collected from the Tabei and Tazhong uplifts in the Tarim Basin, the western depression area in the Qaidam Basin and the Tabei Depression in the Turpan Basin, the geochemical characteristics of the marine Tarim Basin, the saline lacustrine Qaidam, it is also a typical representative of oil reservoirs in fluvial deposits. However, due to the lack of geochemical research on the crude oils and source rocks, the interpretation of the oil's origin is largely based on the geological situation. Crude oil milling 21 and source rocks 14 from the basin have been systematically analyzed.

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