Bernard Madoff The Ponzi Scheme Essay

The conviction and sentencing of American investment advisor Bernard Madoff, who spent years in prison for federal crimes involving a Ponzi scheme, has raised public, investor and financial industry awareness of this type of investment and securities fraud increases. An important exception is an early essay by Katz. Bernard Madoff's Ponzi scheme has been described as 'the largest financial crime in history'. When it collapsed, its investors discovered they had lost, both in money invested and in alleged account balances. Michael Appleton for The New York Times. A federal judge says Bernard L. Madoff should die in prison. Mr. Madoff, who stole billions of dollars in the largest Ponzi scheme in history, asked for his. Credit: Gabriel Hongsdusit Reveal. After the death of Bernie Madoff, we investigate how he executed one of the largest Ponzi schemes in history. Reporter Steve Fishman explores what lessons the fallen can learn,

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