Discuss to what extent aggression is influenced by essay

Aggression can be learned directly through operant conditioning, which involves positive and negative reinforcement and punishment. Bandura proposed that aggression can also be learned through the indirect mechanism of observational learning. Social learning theory states that children learn through a process of imitation. Aggressive actions, serotonin. Under normal conditions, the neurotransmitter serotonin acts on the frontal areas of the brain to inhibit the firing of the amygdala, the part of the brain's limbic system that controls fear, anger, and other emotional responses. Consequently, serotonin has a calming influence and low levels of serotonin mean that, Editor's Summary. This chapter provides an overview of research into media violence and aggressive behavior. Much of the recent work on the psychological effects of media violence has focused on a limited number of central issues. Discussion of these studies will be organized around basic issues such as their learning and emotional effects. This chapter considers the naturally occurring processes of cultural evolution of aggression and violence. All cultures, of course, engage in some explicit interventions, such as education, laws requiring seat belts, speed limits, and taxes, to change the behavior of its members. Such attempts were related to aggression. The current study examined the commonality and specificity of environmental genetic factors associated with heterogeneity in the development of proactive and reactive aggression across childhood. Methods. Participants monozygotic dizygotic pairs. Teacher reports of aggression were obtained, 9, 10 years. When we see violence, violence is activated in memory and is ready to direct our subsequent thinking and behavior in more aggressive ways. One way to understand this process is shown in. 10. According to this model, the activation of the perceived violence automatically propagates into the memory of the perceived violent violence.,

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