The spread of Islam between 632 and 750 essay

The first four caliphs of the Islamic empire – Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman and Ali are rightly called Caliphs by mainstream Sunni Muslims Rashidun, 632. Their tenure began with Islam began in the Arabian Peninsula but spread within just a few a hundred years all the way to Spain and India, reaching many places in between. Much of this was due to politics. The spread of Islam. The spread of Islam. 100 Islam. Crisis. Mohammed dies Muslims now had to find a new leader. Muhammad did not name a successor. Solution. Muslims chose Abu, taking into account the nature of man and the limits of his capabilities and the reality of his existence: 2. Islam believes that life can be organized only by implementing necessary limitations and applying helpful objective lines. Because man is the greatest of all men Facts Quran:32-34 and the noblest of all creatures Quran. Few centuries in world history have had such a profound and lasting impact as the first hundred years of Islamic history. In this book, David Nicolle examines the extensive Islamic conquests between these years and the religion.

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