The Role of Brand in Developing Customer Loyalty Marketing Essay

Definition and importance of customer loyalty. Customer loyalty describes a customer's willingness to return to a company to purchase its services or products. It manifests when a customer, by viewing brand authenticity as a positioning tool, global managers can effectively develop and implement various experiential marketing strategies to develop long-term relationships with consumers and achieve their loyalty. This is a new study that uses Fournier's relationship theory to examine BEDs on PBA to predict consumer loyalty. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of relationship marketing on word of mouth in Roodsar's Melli Bank branches, in which customer loyalty had a mediating role. Customer loyalty can therefore lead to higher direct sales, but brand loyalty can lead to higher indirect sales. Therefore, when marketers set up loyalty programs, it becomes a significant challenge. Several studies examined the influence of. advertising on brand loyalty Chioveanu, 2008, brand trust Shimp amp Andrews, 2013, observed. product and service quality Kotler, 2016, en. general. Customer loyalty is a measure of a customer's willingness to continually do business with a company or brand. It reflects how much a customer trusts your company and how committed he/she is to purchasing your products or services versus those of competitors. But customer loyalty is more than just returning customers. Resume. Customer loyalty programs can play an important role in driving business growth. These programs are designed to incentivize and reward customers for repeat purchases and other desirable behaviors, building a loyal customer base and increasing customer lifetime value.

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