Tuberculosis in India Health and Social Care Essay

The Indian healthcare sector offers a wide range of quality of care, from globally renowned hospitals to facilities that deliver unacceptably low quality care. Attempts to improve quality. The National Prevalence Survey of India 2019-2021, percentage of tuberculosis infection TBI burden among individuals aged and above. However, to date, little is known about the burden of brain injury among different risk groups in India. Thus, this systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to estimate the prevalence of TBI in India. The Government of India is committed to the goal of 'Health for All' as healthcare is an important part of social security and development. According to the Constitution, public health, sanitation, pharmacies and hospitals fall under the purview of state list State List II, while population control and family planning are on the Concurrent List, World TB, with the theme Yes We can end TB aims to raise hope and encouraging high-level leadership, increased investment, faster implementation of new WHO recommendations, adoption of. Since protection from financial risks is one of the objectives towards universal health care, detailed information on the costs, catastrophic costs and other economic consequences associated with any disease is required for designing social protection measures. End tuberculosis and tuberculosis strategy, a milestone for reaching zero. Tuberculosis, tuberculosis is caused by bacteria, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which usually affects the lungs. Tuberculosis can be cured and prevented. TB is spread from person to person through the air. When people with pulmonary tuberculosis cough, sneeze or spit, they release tuberculosis bacteria into the air. A person only needs to inhale a few of them. It is suggested that tuberculosis elimination will require an optimal mix of improved biomedical and social interventions, and a pro-poor model of patient-centered care, including nutritional, psychosocial, and financial support. , universal healthcare coverage and social protection. ABSTRACT Introduction Social determinants are involved in the. The government has been working to improve the healthcare system through various initiatives to strengthen primary, secondary and tertiary healthcare services. The Indian government has spent two percent of India's gross domestic product (GDP) on healthcare in the financial sector and is expected to reach this percentage. Five of the years of vaccination, years of chemotherapy, tuberculosis, tuberculosis remains the world's leading cause of death from an infectious agent, surpassing for the first time human immunodeficiency virus acquired immune deficiency syndrome HIV AIDS b, 2016a. The World Health Organization WHO estimates so,

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