Retraction capacity of pathologically migrated upper anterior teeth after surgical intervention essay

The tooth had migrated to facial, distal, and occlusal directions with grade one mobility. A deep overbite and fremitus were associated with central incisors in the upper and lower jaws. Radiographic evaluation revealed widening of the periodontal ligament space and bone loss around the upper central incisors, without evidence of periapical infection. The approximal migration of the mandibular cheek teeth of seven monkeys was monitored for months. Spaces were created between the teeth with a diamond disc and. Unwanted tooth movements are an important event for patients, especially if they occur in the front part of the mouth. Migrated front teeth can often have a profound aesthetic impact. A flowchart demonstrating the differential diagnosis and treatment of migrated maxillary anterior teeth with primary occlusal trauma. Action is only necessary if the teeth have not receded on their own. Patient with an impacted tooth, surgical exposure of a palatal left canine mirror image after lower right surgery. An absolute anchorage through the combination of two mini screws and a cantilevered spiral loop. Seifi Twin Screws STS was used for forced eruption or extrusion of an affected canine without unwanted effort. However, in some cases, spontaneous repositioning of the pathologically migrated teeth has been reported after periodontal therapy. only. In the current report, there was spontaneous repositioning of the migrated teeth and restoration of dento-facial aesthetics after periodontal surgery. The treatment options in cases, Introduction. Pathology of the front teeth is a common cause of aesthetic discomfort in adults. Pathological migration is characterized as a shift in the location of the tooth due to disruption of the forces that hold the teeth in their normal position relative to their arch. Background: Pathological tooth migration has a complex etiology and there appears to be very little clinical evidence to support its frequency. Results: The result of periodontal therapy of pathologically migrated upper anterior teeth of fading FF on the face is statistically significant with a score. the final weeks and. The electric accelerator device used in this study effectively increased the mass retraction rate of the upper anterior teeth without any side effects and with high patient acceptance. Display. Unwanted tooth movements are an important event for patients, especially if they occur in the front part of the mouth. Migrated front teeth can often have a profound aesthetic impact. After conventional periodontal treatment was performed, reactive repositioning was assessed by measuring the space between pathologically migrated teeth and adjacent teeth on research models and.

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