About Down syndrome essay

Cognitive impairment, or problems with thinking and learning, is common in people with Down syndrome and usually ranges from mild to moderate. Only rarely is Down syndrome associated with severe cognitive impairment. 1. Other common cognitive and behavioral problems may include, 2,3: Short attention span. Essays on Down Syndrome: REVIEWS HIRE. 1344. Finished papers. Last paper. 12456 Final.docx. To download. Robert. Research paper. User ID: 722530 Benefits you get from our essay writing service. Normally our authors write essays, but they can do much more than essays. We also offer. Background. Down syndrome DS, which is caused by trisomy, is by far the most common and best known chromosomal disorder in humans and the most common cause of intellectual disability. 1 trisomy gives rise to several complications as part of the syndrome. Congenital heart disease CHD is the most common form of characters with Down syndrome. Characters with Down syndrome are extremely rare in novels, and even rarer are the stories written from their point of view. But people with disabilities have just as much right to be part of the story. Essay example: 100 people worldwide are born with Down syndrome, but it is rarely discussed or even acknowledged by those without firsthand experience. Harvey, 2004, 43. Down syndrome was originally recognized by John Langdon Down in s, the causes were not. Essay Example: Down Syndrome - Information. Words: 4. Table of Contents. Despite the fact that scientists have significantly improved their knowledge about various genetic disorders, Down syndrome still needs to be studied. Nowadays it is common knowledge that this genetic condition is caused by an extra copy of. People with Down syndrome have seen improvements in quality of life and life expectancy in recent decades due to advances in healthcare and research, along with greater social participation. However, there are persistent disparities in health outcomes resulting from insufficient awareness and training about Down syndrome,

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