Impact of Social Protection Programs Education Essay

The concept of discipline implies a body of knowledge or a particular branch of learning, such as sociology, adult education, community development or social welfare. Disciplines have contrasts. We study how participation in different social protection schemes can mitigate the negative relationship between adverse rainfall shocks and agricultural production, thus acting as a tool for climate change adaptation. We use panel data from Ethiopia and analyze the influence of these programs on the technical efficiency of. This article presents a critical overview of social. protection policy, viewed from a gender perspective. The analysis presents a. conceptual framework on gender and the welfare state, and. The authors further recommend that social protection provision should be framed within cash-plus models linked to broader non-cash services and inputs such as health, education and social services. The PSNP has improved food security. This impact is statistically significant and is equivalent to reducing the duration of the famine season by a third. Five years of participation. UNICEF's social and child protection programs aim to reduce multidimensional household poverty and protect children and their families from violence, abuse and exploitation. The programs include a cash transfer project targeting vulnerable families and various child protection interventions through social protection. 1 of expenditure at the poverty line, while average per capita expenditure on social protection. 3 of poverty line spending. Consequences of social protection. There are several ways in which social protection can impact individuals and societies, including reducing poverty and improving education, health care and basic services. On a broader scale, social protection can also promote economic stability by breaking the cycle of intergenerational poverty and promoting poverty. The most obvious effect of social protection is to redistribute income among members of society. This can benefit those who are less fortunate, those exposed to certain unforeseen circumstances or certain groups in society. Social protection schemes can also influence people's social and economic behavior, which in turn can influence economic growth. However, in terms of selecting beneficiaries for social protection, programs such as LEAP, School Feeding and the Capitation Grants were community-based, allowing community representatives.

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