How young people use the internet essay

Nevertheless, given the high levels of social media use among young people, future research should thoroughly investigate the potentially harmful effects this new setting for sociality may have on health and well-being, along with the goal of identifying the driving factors – such that Adjustments can be made in Papers. Participants reported that social media had a positive effect on their emotions. Some reported that it improved their mood, made them excited and often led to laughter. Introduction. The Internet is without a doubt the most important mass medium today. According to the research conducted by the Central Intelligence Agency, there are more than one billion Internet users in the world and most of them are young people Healy et al. 2001. Among the young people who use computers, signs and symptoms of Internet addiction can include: excessive internet use, i.e. spending most of the time online and staying online longer than intended. lying about the extent of someone's internet use. failed attempts to limit internet use. neglecting relationships with others because of internet use. There is no doubt that many young people are spending more and more time online, with both negative and positive consequences. An advantage of the internet is that young people can search online for help with their school work and homework. This often helps teens broaden their knowledge and improve their grades,

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