Essay on Bad Habits
Introduction: the habit in question. Habits, whether good or bad, are deeply rooted in our daily lives. They define our routines, shape our behavior and ultimately contribute to the person we are. A personal habit I would like to change is procrastination, a common problem that many students, especially college students, face. Smoking stains your teeth and gums. Smoking increases the risk of periodontal disease, which causes swollen gums, bad breath and tooth loss. Smoking causes a sour taste in the mouth and contributes to the development of ulcers. Smoking also affects your appearance: smokers have paler skin and more wrinkles. This increases the risk of spreading flu viruses, nosebleeds, ulcers and damage to the nasal septum, among other things. If you make this habit, you will have to take to the streets today. 12. Biting on hard objects. Biting your nails, pens, pencils or ice is a bad habit that dentists discourage. Bad Study Habits Essay Sample, Sample Published - Updated by Admin. read. Studying is an art. To teach students how to study well, the following paragraphs will discuss five bad study habits that get students into trouble, and how these shortcomings can be addressed.1. Stop Cold Turkey. You can eliminate bad habits by not giving in to them from now on, even for one day. Unfortunately, this is much easier said than done. It can be incredibly challenging. Breaking bad habits isn't about stopping, it's about replacing. It's easy to think of habits that fall into black and white categories: good exercise and bad nail biting. But habits also persist. The first step is to learn, learn what are the healthy habits that we need every day, such as cups of water every day, because we drink liters of water by sweating etc. The second step, incorporate them into your daily routine, if you did, it will no longer be so difficult for you, last step, see the result and live a healthy, better life. Well, I realize. - There are some reasons why there is still a prevalent habit of engaging in unhealthy activities. This can be explained primarily by the fact that most people are prone to excessive optimism. Although powerful and constant reminders of what a flawed lifestyle can entail are readily available, people still continue to believe in them,