Autonomy of Goal Achievement and Positive Deviations in the Workplace Psychology Essay

The functionality perspective is a paradigm that has been influenced by American sociology from roughly the 1980s, although its origins lie in the work of French sociologist Emile Durkheim, writing at the end of the century. Functionalism is a structural theory and states that social institutions and the organization of society. This chapter explores the profound impact of a positive workplace culture on job performance and organizational flexibility. It delves into the multi-dimensional aspects of positive psychology, organizational culture and their interplay in creating a thriving work environment. A positive workplace culture, inspired by principles of positivity. Furthermore, positive psychological capital mediated the relationship between abusive surveillance and cyberloafing. The future directions, practical implications, and limitations of the research are. The presence of psychological safety in the workplace reduces such distractions and allows employees to focus their energy on immersing themselves in and paying attention to work tasks. Effective structural features, such as coaching leadership and context support, are some ways managers can initiate psychological safety in the · 1. DOI: 10.4018 978-1-5225-9996-8.ch001. ABSTRACT. Deviant behavior in the workplace has become a very costly phenomenon. a wide range of negative actions performed by the. Merton's theory of deviance. Building on Durkheim's work on anomie, Merton (1957) was the first person to write about what sociologists call strain theory. For Merton, anomie was a condition consisting in the discrepancy between social goals and the means available to individuals to achieve them..

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