Essay on life cycle of tourism area

The model developed by Butler, known as 'Tourism Area Life Cycle', is the most cited. His theory adopts the concept of the product life cycle from marketing and applies the fundamental S-shaped curve. Butler bases his model on the growth of tourist numbers over time and identifies six phases: exploration arrival of the first, Download. Essay. Views. 143. The following sample essay is about Butler's Tourism Life Cycle Model. Scroll down to read the essay's introduction, body, and conclusion. Butler developed a theoretical account that shows how any resort can develop. A resort can get into a bit of trouble. Calm. finish.This article combines the concepts of economic cycles and the life cycle of tourism areas, Butler, 1980, 2004, to study the impact of institutional support for destination management and development. The study examines the role of government in tourism competitiveness and the underlying relationship, based on the Tourism Area Life Cycle TALC model. Government involvement in the process of tourism development is somehow crucial, but this involvement must be kept under control.

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