Interventions for Autistic Children Psychology essay

Common autism treatments include behavioral therapy, speech therapy, play-based therapy, physical therapy, occupational therapy and nutritional therapy. But keep in mind that the evidence-based intervention approaches. Targeted intervention practices and comprehensive program models, that is, previously identified as comprehensive treatment models and adapted for the potentially skillful language implied therein, are two broad classes of interventions that appear in the research literature. Targeted parent caregivers of children with autism spectrum disorder, ASD, often report increased levels of stress, depression, and anxiety. Unmet parental mental health needs pose significant risks to the psychological, physical, and social well-being of the parents of the child with ASD and compromise ASD adaptive functioning. lead to meaningful developmental gains in cognitive skills, communication skills, and reduced symptoms of ASD, 1 - 4 The primary goal of ASD intervention is to improve child outcomes, but child-centered ASD interventions also impact parents. Therapies and supports for autistic children include behavioral, developmental, family-oriented, medical, and alternative therapies. Some therapies and supports have more evidence than others. Understanding the main types of therapies and supports can help you make informed choices for your child. The American Psychiatric Association was finalizing diagnostic criteria that would define the face of autism in the future, and public schools in the United States had been providing educational services to children and youth with disabilities for about four years, as mandated by a federal law. . At that time, autism was: Interventions can promote understanding of autism and neurodiversity among people in the child's world, such as caregivers, for example EMPOWER-ASD intervention, Autism-related Family Enabling intervention, McKenzie et al. 2019 SOLACE program, Lodder et al. 2020, and educational professionals and colleagues, for example, Learning, Evidence-Based Practice for Children, Youth, and Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Comprehensive Review. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 45 7, 1951-1966. https. Individuals with autism spectrum disorder ASD often exhibit sensory overresponsiveness SOR, which is characterized by an overwhelmingly negative response to or avoidance of sensory stimulation. Despite the harmful effects of SOR on people's personal and social lives, knowledge about and interventions for this problem continues. The studies examined the short- and medium-term effect of music therapy interventions from one week to seven months for children with ASD. Key Results Music therapy was superior to placebo therapy or standard care with regard to social interaction, nonverbal and verbal communication skills, initiating behavior, and social-emotional strategies for ADHD. Behavioral interventions can have a “life-changing” impact on children with ADHD, according to Singer. Behavioral strategies can help you prepare your child.

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