Monitoring High Blood Pressure Health and Social Care Essay

The analysis of hypertension condition. The disease occurs when blood pressure in the arteries becomes so severe that the artery walls cause health problems such as a heart attack. We will write. a tailor-made essay just for you by our professional experts. Here are some low-sodium tips for a nutritious meal at home: Fresh fruits and vegetables, especially bananas and kale – the potassium in bananas helps your body eliminate sodium through the urine and the The old adage should always hold true: treat the person and don't the sickness. Preventing, identifying, and treating hypertension must involve much more than just measuring blood pressure and prescribing medications. Instead, addressing hypertension should be an example of comprehensive, person-centered care promotion. A blood pressure measurement, in its simplest form, is a determinant of individual cardiac output, the volume of blood pumped out of the heart and into the aorta per minute. and systematic vascular resistance, the diameter of the arterial blood vessels, Foley, 2015. To fully understand the process, it is essential that health professionals have the, Essay on Blood Pressure Among Youth Vae Health and Social Care Essay Background and Objectives: A young The person is a vulnerable group for developing all lifestyle-related diseases. The current cross-sectional study was; The Self-Monitoring Blood Pressure SMBP provided patients with immediate feedback and could encourage them to become active participants in self-care and improve medication adherence. Some interventions attempted to motivate patients to recognize blood glucose monitoring as a tool for self-care to achieve a better quality of life. risk. Recent analyzes of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey estimate that 46 million adults in the United States have a systolic blood pressure of HBP, SBP ≥ Hg or, according to White 2017, the risk assessment process in the social and health care context involves four steps. First of all, a person's wishes and feelings regarding risk must be understood. Second, the effect of risk on a person must be understood. Third, risks must be enabled and responded to, and finally, a plan must be in place. Accelerated hypertension. A severe increase in blood pressure, or higher and often, with signs of retinal hemorrhage and/or papilloedema, swelling of the optic nerve. It is usually associated with new or progressive damage to the target organ and is also known as malignant hypertension. Home blood pressure measurements that average ≥ 135 Hg are considered high. Elevated blood pressure readings in an otherwise asymptomatic person are rarely an emergency. all 97 people who attend an emergency department following an elevated reading on a home or pharmacy monitor will be discharged after · reducing the compound pressure on the NHS and social care. Background. Pressures on the health and care system include additional health care needs in winter, during extreme heat. High blood pressure, also called hypertension, can silently damage the body for years before symptoms appear. Without treatment, high blood pressure can lead to disability, poor quality of life or even a fatal heart attack or stroke. Blood pressure is measured in millimeters of mercury mm Hg. The etiology of high blood pressure is varied. With its prevalence in adults, HT is the most common condition in developed countries. It is usually defined as blood pressure, Hg. This definition is for purposes only.

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