Demographic and clinical aspects of epilepsy biology essay

Paroxysmal alteration of neurological function caused by excessive hypersynchronous neuronal discharge in the brain is known as seizures. Non-epileptic seizures are short-lived, while epilepsy is a neurological disorder characterized by two or more provoked seizures. The hippocampus, amygdala, frontal cortex, temporal cortex, case definition of epilepsy and epilepsy classifications. Epilepsy is defined as the occurrence of more than two unprovoked seizures due to sudden, disordered, and excessive neuronal discharge. The classification of epilepsies has undergone a change in recent years, moving away from a broad scheme unrelated to the underlying biology. 1 Introduction. Investigating the clinical aspects and biological basis of drug-resistant epilepsies is a complex problem and presupposes, first of all, a definition of DRE. However, a universally accepted definition of DRE does not yet exist due to a number of unresolved controversial issues that hinder reaching consensus on it. Abstract. About a third of all epilepsy patients are resistant to current therapeutic treatments. Some patients with focal forms of epilepsy benefit from invasive surgical approaches that can lead to major surgical resections of the human epileptic neocortex. We have developed a systems biology approach that we can make optimal use of. During the first decade of the century, the landscape of epilepsy genetics began to take shape with the discovery of many new genes associated with epilepsy. These genetic discoveries have increased our understanding of the molecular and cellular pathways involved in epilepsy. Over the next decade, the availability of clinical, Abstract. Anxiety disorders represent a common psychiatric comorbidity in patients with epilepsy and influence prognosis and quality of life. However, they remain underdiagnosed and undertreated. In clinical practice, a number of compounds are currently used as anxiolytics, with benzodiazepines being the most popular. In light of the various aspects outlined above related to depression, the present study has the following objectives: 1. To analyze the construct of depression offered by the two main classifications of mental disorders DSM-ICD-10, 2 To provide an overview of the main explanatory theories of depression, 3 Outlining the child and, This study aims to describe the etiology. clinical profile of children with epileptic encephalopathy and classify them into epileptic syndromes. for epileptic encephalopathy were recorded. METHODS. We identified key clinical and epidemiological features that are crucial for understanding and managing diphtheria. For each of these, we defined a set of search terms and, according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses PRISMA standards, systematic reviews extracted relevant data, and a patient's demographics can help identify health risk factors. For example, if you have osteoporosis for years and older, you know to check for osteoporosis in patients with.

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