Scientific Methods Used in Problem Solving Philosophy Essay

Science is a hugely successful human endeavor. The study of the scientific method is the attempt to discern the activities by which that success is achieved. Activities often identified as characteristic of science include systematic observation and experimentation, inductive and deductive reasoning, and formation and testing. To begin, Charles Keeling used the scientific method to make meticulous measurements of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere at the Mauna Loa Observatory in Waimea, Hawaii. This graph, known as the Keeling Curve, shows how the atmosphere has continued to rise since then. The scientific method is the gold standard, because Popper's first major contribution to philosophy was his novel solution to the problem of the delimitation of science. According to the ancient view, science, in its proper sense, is distinguished by its inductive method – by its characteristic use of observation and experiment, as opposed to purely logical analysis, to establish its results. These issues require philosophical and ethical reasoning. , which goes beyond the reach of scientific methods. Limitations of data and evidence: Scientific methods depend on the availability of accurate and reliable data. However, in the context of social, political, ethical and economic issues, data can be scarce. The solution requires the best scientific minds and the latest technology, often preceded or followed by military intervention. Much of real science is devoted to solving problems. Natural curiosity, in response to puzzling observations, leads to all kinds of interesting questions about how the world works.

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