Modernist nihilism versus postmodernist negative theology philosophy essay

This contribution analyzes Schelling's philosophical theology, which he presented in the first decade of the century, against the background of the debates on post-Kantian philosophy. Co presented his definition of postmodernism as 'an offshoot of the encounter. of Western and Eastern thought, a way of looking at the event from a 'country' perspective. perspective or a 'fish-eye'. Modernists believed in progress and the power of reason, while postmodernists were more skeptical. Modernist art was typically abstract and formal, while postmodernist art was often playful and irreverent. Ultimately, modernism and postmodernism represent two very different ways of thinking about the world. The tradition of negative theology has very deep roots dating back to late Greek antiquity and the early Christian period. Although Dionysius is usually regarded as 'the father' of negative theology, he did not revolutionize religious philosophy, but rather brought together different strands of thinking about religion. Modernist literature is the writing that initiated and responded to the culture of modernity. Questions about what modernity is or was and its convergence with modernism continue to be unraveled and challenged in criticism today. In her article “Definitional Excursions: The Meanings of Modern Modernity Modernism” 2001, Susan Stanford.

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