Theories of Structuralism and Functionality Philosophy Essay

Functionalism is a structural consensus theory. This means that functionalists argue both that there is a social structure that shapes individual behavior through the process of socialization, and that a successful society is based on value consensus, or that people agree on a shared set of norms and values ​​that allows structuralism uses introspection. that is, exploring and becoming aware of one's consciousness, feelings and emotions, while functionalism focuses on applications using cognitive tests. Functionalism is the physicalist view of the mind that mental states can be defined as functional roles within an organism, the 'function' of Pain is not just to cause behavioral output. The perspective of functionalism is a paradigm that has been influenced by American sociology from roughly the 1980s, although its origins lie in the work of French sociologist Emile Durkheim, writing at the end of the century. Functionalism is a structural theory and states that social institutions and the organization of society. William James (1842 - 1910) was a leading figure in psychology and philosophy at the turn of the century, whose contributions laid the foundation for many modern philosophers and behavioral psychologists. James' two major schools of thought, pragmatism and functionalism, shape his theories about the world, and his own. The first school of thought, structuralism, was advocated by the founder of the first psychology laboratory, Wilhelm Wundt. Almost immediately, other theories began to emerge to vie for dominance; Historical approaches to psychology: including Wundt versus Titchener, intelligence testing, structuralism versus functionality, behavioral psychology, gestalt theory, models of mental illness. Structuralism and functionality were two of the first movements in psychology. To understand these early perspectives, it is important to consider the sociohistorical context in which they developed. Psychology as an independent scientific discipline was founded in 1832-1920 by the German scholar Wilhelm Wundt. This theory, founded by Ferdinand de Saussure, was published posthumously in Cours de linguistique generale 1916. This essay considers only the conclusions described as Saussurean structuralism, while other approaches, such as the Prague School or American structuralism, are omitted . In philosophy of mind there is functionality about mental states and functionality about mental contents. The former mental state functionalism says that mental states are individualized by their functional relations to mental inputs, outputs, and other mental states. The latter is usually called functional or conceptual or abstract. Structuralism is an intellectual movement in the human sciences with a profound effect on linguistics, sociology and other fields, as well as on philosophy that seeks to analyze a specific subject. Functionalism emerged as a reaction to structuralism and was strongly influenced by the work of William James and the theory of evolution of Charles Darwin. Functionalists tried to explain mental processes in a more systematic and precise way. Rather than focusing on the elements of consciousness, the functionalists focused: ~ While structuralism is concerned with the abstract and systematic representation of knowledge outside the object, poststructuralism recognizes the need to introduce personal experiences.

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