Study on Investment Appraisal Accounting Essay

Many previous studies exist on capital investment decision-making practice. However, a review of this literature reveals inconsistent findings, little direct comparison between strategic and non-strategic project evaluation, and little research on the use of emerging analytical techniques for strategic investment appraisal.1. Simple guide to investment assessment. Dr. Ali B. Mahmoud. St. John's University, NYC, USA Arden University, Birmingham, United Kingdom. mahmouda amahmoud Overview: Investment Appraisal Techniques. Investments of millions of dollars have a huge impact on an entity's future earnings and survival. It is no hidden fact that capital projects and their assessment are the most important task to be performed by a financial manager for a number of good reasons. Investment appraisal techniques assess the potential returns and risks of Nigerian companies in various investment projects. This technique determines the time required to recoup the initial investment, with an emphasis on cash flows. It helps decision makers evaluate the liquidity and risk associated with investments, with shorter payback periods. The use of AI in investing, including machine learning and quantitative tactics, is explored in this narrative overview. High-frequency and algorithmic trading are quantitative tactics that take advantage of the inefficiencies of micro markets, while statistical arbitrage and trending track profits on market trends. The usefulness of financial accounting information: Evidence from the field. The accounting research. DOI: 10.2139 ssrn.3008083. Authors: Stefano Cascino. The London School of. The indicators for performance evaluations include such things as business ethics, innovation, motivation, subject knowledge, skills and expertise, communication, teamwork, work quality, professionalism, task management and project completion. Benefits of performance evaluation: • Facilitating communication: communication in,

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