Research report on the Stroop Test essay

Introduction. The emotional Stroop effect refers to the phenomenon that the emotional information of stimuli will slow participants' response when they are asked to respond to the non-emotional information in a task (William et al.). 1996Algom et al. 2004. Since the discovery of the emotional Stroop effect, researchers have investigated Introduction. A popular paradigm that is widely used to investigate the role of emotion on attention and cognition is the emotional Stroop. This is a variant of the traditional color word Stroop paradigm 1,2. In particular, the SCWT is a widely used neuropsychological test that assesses the ability to inhibit cognitive interference, known as the Stroop effect Brugnolo et al. 2016 Scarpina and Tagini. The Stroop effect has been a key to testing selective attention since JR Stroop's groundbreaking study almost a century ago. However, recent work based on computational modeling and recording of brain activations ignored the primary significance of the Stroop effect as a measure of selectivity in the Stroop test. Therefore, it was suggested that the emotional Stroop effect would be smaller in the Stroop test. happy condition compared to neutral and fearful conditions. We used an emotional St-roop task with neutral, happy and. Explanations of the Stroop color naming effect: a. The shape of the word and the color of the ink contact memory in parallel, creating covert response competition when they elicit. The classic manifestation of the Stroop test involves presenting participants with a list of words, some of which are the names that describe colors (MacLeod, 1991). In the classical manifestation, two conditions are used: in the first condition, the words are all presented in the color to which the word refers, for example by presenting the word 'green'. From Psychological Sciences, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel, from Education and Psychology, Open University of Israel, Ra'anana, Israel. According to a growing consensus, the Stroop effect is understood as a phenomenon of conflict and cognitive control. A groundswell of recent research claims this is incongruent. A popular paradigm that is widely used to investigate the role of emotion on attention and cognition is the emotional Stroop. This is a variant of the traditional color word Stroop paradigm 1,2. The traditional Stroop task involves naming color words presented in a congruent condition, the word "red" printed in red ink, the where versus the when, and the how of attentional control. The Stroop effect has been described as the gold standard measure of selective attention (MacLeod, 1992), in which a smaller Stroop interference effect is indicative of greater attentional selectivity. The idea that selective attention affects the cognitive, The Stroop Color and Word Test SCWT is a neuropsychological test that is widely used. to assess the ability to inhibit cognitive interference that occurs in the processing of. a specific one.

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