Customer Requirements and Product Features Engineering essay

Understanding and Identifying Customer Requirements CRs serve as critical steps in customer-driven product and service development. Reich and Lai et al. 2008. Product design features or characteristics that meet customer requirements must then be established so that target values ​​for these characteristics can be identified. Traditionally, the task of setting design goals relies mainly on the professional experience and intuition of designers and engineers. Quality Function Deployment QFD is a tool used to guide the design of a product to the needs of the end user. Kogure and Akao, Nagai and Maki defined QFD in 1996 as a. Prioritization of technical features in QFD in case of customer requirements orders: International Journal of Production, Customer Requirement Management in Product Development: A Review of Research Issues Concurrent Engineering Research and 3 173-185Features: A customer buys a product or service because of its features that are included in the purchase. For example, if the customer were purchasing a computer, he might buy it because it is smaller and lighter than other options. 2. Benefits: A customer purchases a product or service because of a benefit, real or perceived, that he believes will be the case.

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