Sustainable management of mangrove ecosystem Environmental science essay

The results showed that the local community has sufficient awareness about mangrove forests in terms of ecosystem services and local knowledge that significantly influence the way they are used and managed. 1 Introduction. Mangroves are among the most productive ecosystems on Earth, occupying brackish water zones along tropical and subtropical coasts ITTO, 2002. Mangrove ecosystems are widely recognized for their habitat functions for fish and crustaceans of commercial value, as well as for effectively capturing sediment, nutrients and knowledge. from coastal communities on climate change will help communities adapt to these environmental conditions. The aim of this study is to investigate the community's level of knowledge regarding climate change in mangrove ecosystem management in Kotania Bay. This study used a Guttman scale and descriptive analysis. The Bengal delta coast, which is home to the famous Sundarban mangroves, is extremely vulnerable to climate change. Salinity intrusion, increasing cyclones and anomalies in rainfall and temperature are already causing many social and livelihood problems. However, our knowledge of the diversified impacts of climate change on Sundarban, the coast of Cameroon, extends over an estimated distance of km and represents the entire coastline of the Congo Basin. The mangrove forests and associated coastal forests cover a significant part and are extremely important, but a globally threatened ecosystem Dahdouh-Guebas et al. 2020. These mangroves are mainly: As a result of the increasing recognition of the benefits of mangrove ecosystems, there is a protection policy created under both wetland and forestry programs. However, there is still little consistency between these programs and insufficient coordination between government sectors. With countries that include this, we conducted an economic valuation of mangrove forests in Pakistan's Balochistan province, using primary data from a survey of households dependent on mangrove forests. It has been noted that. Hypothetically, the ideal model for sustainable tourism development is the goal of all mangrove tourist attractions. With this ideal model in mind, there is a need for a balance between the two aspects of economic pressure tourism, development and urbanization, and the environmental aspect, the conservation, conservation and restoration of the mangrove. The FAO guidelines are clearly focused on sustainable forest management and the conservation of mangroves. The paper discusses the advantages and disadvantages of different mangrove harvesting methods: logging with and without seed carriers, selection systems and shelterwood systems. Active environmental management plan to protect mangrove ecosystems. Management strategies based on logical and scientific basis have not been developed to this day. Mangroves provide an extensive range of ecosystem services that are essential for human well-being, especially in the low-lying coastal areas of developing economies1,2,3,4. They serve as a breeding ground for aquatic fauna and as an accumulation site for sediments and nutrients5,6,7. Moreover, they play an important role. Mangrove ecosystems are valuable and productive coastal ecosystems that provide various ecosystem services. Nevertheless, the trivialization of the value of mangrove ecosystems has led to their decline at an annual global rate of -2. Degradation undermines the resilience of these ecosystems and threatens the... People are rapidly depleting critical ecosystems and life-sustaining resources.

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