Exercise that happened in the emergency department

Even though accidents are frightening and harmful, we can learn from them. They can teach us to be more careful and aware. They can show us the importance of safety rules and precautions. They can also remind us to be grateful for our health and our lives. In short, accidents are unexpected events that can cause damage. Get a custom essay on hospital emergency room. General processes in the emergency department are kept to a minimum to help patients as quickly as possible. Usually three processes are completed: triage, treatment and transfer. An emergency room is not a place for chronic problems or follow-ups. A safe practice environment for nurses is critical to the integrity of the healthcare system and the quality of patient care. Personal safety in the emergency department. British Journal of Nursing, 14 13, 725-730. 10.12968 bjon.2005.14.13.18458. One man came in with chest pain. year-old arrived by ambulance with possible neck and/or spinal injuries as a result of a car accident. These examples are of people who used the Emergency Room in real emergencies. The emergency room also impacts the health of the community. Even though accidents are frightening and harmful, we can still learn from them. They can teach us to be more careful and aware. They can show us the importance of safety rules and precautions. They can also remind us to be grateful for our health and our lives. In short, accidents are unexpected events that can cause damage. Many different types of accidents happen every day around the world. These accidents come in varying degrees, and some cause damage sufficient to warrant a court hearing. One of these cases is vehicle accidents. In the cases in the video, the two people involved in the car crash were Ms. Payne. During a match, Sam was involved in an incident with a fellow player and fell to the ground, sustaining minor head injuries. Sam was then taken to the local emergency department where he was determined to have a minor injury, received appropriate care and was discharged within a few hours. Custom scenario

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