Mitochondrial DNA Analysis Essay

Mitochondria, the energy stations of the cell, are the only extranuclear organelles, containing their own, mitochondrial, DNA-mtDNA and protein synthesis machinery. The location of the 'Mitochondrial Eve' model, based on DNA analysis, is easy to misunderstand, and the subject is complicated by its relevance to the earlier, Out of Africa, OA and Multiregional Evolution, ME hypotheses. This essay aims to provide the greatest possible clarity. Part I: The World Before DNA Research A. The Analysis of Mitochondrial DNA mtDNA has been a powerful tool in our understanding of human evolution, thanks to features such as high copy number, apparent lack of recombination1, high. The proposal that all mitochondrial DNA-mtDNA types in contemporary humans originate from a common ancestor present in an African population has attracted considerable attention recently. To further study this proposal, two hypervariable segments of mtDNA were sequenced from people of different geographical origins, Complete Mitochondrial DNA Analysis of East Eurasian Haplogroups Rarely Found in Populations of Northern Asia and Eastern Europe Miroslava Derenko, 1, Boris Malyarchuk, Denisova, Perkova, Rogalla, Grzybowski, Khusnutdinova, Dambueva, Ilia

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