The Obesity Epidemic Essay in Health and Social Care

To mark World Obesity Day, the Morrison Government is launching Australia's first National Obesity Strategy, which will help tackle overweight and obesity across the country. Australia's strategy has two ambitious goals: to halt the rise and reverse the trend in the prevalence of obesity in adults and to reduce overweight and obesity worldwide. Obesity body mass index ≥ is a growing public health crisis around the world. Available data indicate that the global burden of obesity has more than tripled1. In some first world countries it is particularly high. However, recent data show that obesity is spreading very quickly in low- and middle-income countries. The most cost-effective approach to addressing obesity-related health problems is to prevent its emergence in the first place. The first official recognition of obesity as a serious problem requiring a public health response occurred thirty years ago in the Health of the Nation report. In the years since, despite more than a dozen government strategies, hundreds of them broad, the evidence for social and environmental factors that contribute to obesity is often underappreciated. The prevalence of obesity is significantly associated with gender, racial, ethnic identity, and socioeconomic status, creating complex relationships between each of these characteristics. The availability of food remains an important 1.1. Body Mass Index and weight status. A popular measure for classifying overweight and obese adults is the Body Mass Index BMI, which consists of weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in meters. Australian Government and the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2017. Australian Government Department of Health and National, The Britain's shift from a private healthcare system to a public healthcare system marked a step towards redefining individual health as a concern for public health, which shifted the burden of responsibility from the individual to the state (Welch, 2018). This shift was subsequently reversed with the introduction and implementation of the neoliberal, healthcare professional paper. The article is based on healthcare professionals. It begins by analyzing the reasons why the United States may be experiencing a physician shortage rather than a surplus. The article also analyzes the factors contributing to the nursing shortage in the US. Project HOPE is a global health and humanitarian aid organization that puts power in the hands of local healthcare workers to save lives around the world. Project HOPE has published Health. The overall impact of obesity and overweight on physical and mental health and on health-related quality of life is significant. In countries where the economic impact of obesity has been studied, its direct consequence of preventive, diagnostic and treatment services and indirectly related to reduced productivity, increased absenteeism and obesity also imposes a major economic burden on the individual, and on families and nations. , 7 , 8 The global economic impact of obesity was estimated at 2.8% of global gross domestic product (GDP). 6 In addition to excessive health care expenditures, obesity also imposes costs in the form of lost productivity and obesity.

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