Intellectual capital: a hidden value in financial statements? essay

We investigate the impact of intellectual capital IC on firm performance FP. This study contributes to the literature on IC by expanding the IC components and examining the moderating effect of intellectual property rights reform on the IC-FP association. An analysis of a dataset of non-financial companies, -year. This article focuses on the concept of Intellectual Capital of Nations and the need for a change of perspectives from financial to intellectual values. Although the article briefly describes the concept of IC within business, the main focus is on IC of Nations. IC of a Nation encompasses the hidden values ​​of individuals, corporations and. Thus, this study develops a new and accurate model to capture the impact of intellectual capital on firm performance. Finally, by extending the valuation model to include standard financial figures that each company reports, managers can directly calculate the value of a company's intellectual capital and assess its impact on the business, according to Lotfi et al. 2021 Negative relationship between intellectual capital and its components and financial statements, fraud.Lu et al. 2021 Intellectual capital does not affect sales growth and. IC has become the soft and intangible driver of its consistent market leadership, continued revenue growth and value creation for its shareholders. IC was seen as the sum of human and structural capital. Human capital was defined as the knowledge, skills and experience of employees. However, structural capital was the aim of this study to assess the impact of intellectual capital on fraud in the financial statements of listed companies on the Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE). In other words, this article tries to find out whether IC and its components, namely the efficiency of human capital HC, structural capital SC, relational capital. Finally, the regression analysis indicates that CSR expenditure has a positive and significant implication on value - added intellectual capital. 0.119, p lt 0.01, including all dimensions. The existence of intangible assets, including intellectual capital, within a company has been known for a long time, but is not considered important as the relevant resources for value creation were largely tangible. Guthrie, 2001 Müller amp Gamerschlag, 2009. Over the past thirty years, most economies have shifted towards a knowledge economy. However, the intellectual capital variable has no influence on firm value. The results of this study imply that commercial Sharia banks are encouraged to optimize their risk management. Value of a reporting entity, but rather to ensure that users of financial statements have the necessary information for use in valuations. IASB, 2014:A20, paragraph OB7. It follows that

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