Hyderabad presented with deformity of both lower limbs essay

In the lower extremities, the reference plane is the coronal plane of the knee, that is, the plane tangent to the posterior aspect of the femoral condyles and perpendicular to the ground. That defines how the knee is viewed from the front and the degree of deformity to be understood as alignment of valgus varus and flexion recurvatum. It has an upper extremity, a shaft, and a lower extremity, all of which are packed with different structural landmarks. . Several muscles attach to and act on the femur. They make optimal use of the mobility offered and restore the mechanical axis of the lower limbs and the normal anatomical alignment of the hip, knee and ankle. 3. Balance. First, bone surgery will restore the balance between bone quality, strength and stiffness, eliminating stress shielding. Second, restore the static and dynamic balance of the lower limbs. Third, to rebuild patients' mental health. Symmetrical physiologic varus: 18 - Valgus deformity: maximal alignment of the lower limbs in adults - aged with a flat pelvis and medial femoral condyles and medial malleoli touching both limbs. Small variations are common and normal. Slightly higher in women. It is the disruption of this balance due to pathological processes or aging that leads to deformity. This leads to adaptive changes in the pelvis and lower limbs. The effects of limb alignment on spinal posture are well documented 1, 14, 17, 24, 37. We now also know that changes in pelvic posture also affect spinal alignment.

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