An Essay on Commercial Slurry Pipeline Engineering

Since s, several commercial slurry pipelines have been constructed to hydraulically transport a variety of solids, including coal Abulnaga, 2002. By looking at the graphs, one can quickly make an engineering estimate of the deposition rate around the point of concavity change. Numerical modeling of the flow of slurry pipelines was carried out by many workers 11 , 12 , 13 . Mazumder et al. 14 performed a numerical simulation to analyze the influence of the elbow radius on the pressure. The longest slurry pipeline, currently under construction, is km long and will transport iron ore from mines in Minas Gerais, Brazil, to Rio de Janeiro. There are many advantages over traditional alternatives. Environmentally, they are much more sensitive to the areas they pass through, as they avoid noise pollution. Springer Science Amplifier Business Media, - Technology Amplifier, Engineering - Commercial Pipeline Instrumentation Techniques. 455: Control of manure pipeline systems. 487: Reduction and sorting of solids. 499: Behavior of transient pipe flow. 181:

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