The History of Territorial Disputes History Essay

Territorial Sea and Contiguous Zone Law · “The territorial sea of ​​the People's Republic of China covers the waters adjacent to the territorial islands, including the Diaoyu Islands, Penghu Islands, Dongsha Islands, Xisha Islands, Nansha Spratly islands and other islands belonging to the People's Republic of China. Republic of China.”NUSA DUAChina's territorial disputes extend from the frozen Himalayan mountains to the islets between the mainland and Japan, but the complex row over the West Philippine Sea and the South China Sea does. Land is the object of competition in a number of potentially overlapping ways: as an economic asset, as a link to identity and social legitimacy, and as political territory. Competition for land and its resources is at the heart of the land-conflict nexus. Competition can occur between any number and type of identity. This article systematically compares maritime territorial disputes in the East and South China Seas. It uses the bargaining model of war and hegemonic stability theory to trace the history of conflict and shifts in the relative power balances of the claimants, leading to the conclusion that security and stability have improved in the West Philippine Sea dispute between China and the Philippines became the biggest problem in the country. Many Filipinos are still unsure where the conflict started. Philippines is known for islands. 1 the territory of the Philippines are these islands. The Philippines is one of the richest countries in terms of having different species.

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