Attitudes of Mauritians towards Islamic Banking Financial Essay

Little effort has been made to explore attitudes towards Islamic banking and finance from the perspective of companies. The few researchers who attempted to study the segment of business firms were Edris and Almahmeed 1997, Jalaluddin 1999, Ahmad and Haron 2002, Osman and Ali 2008 and Gait and Social Implications. Islamic banking in Spain could help the Muslim minority to participate effectively in financial activities, leveraging their ability to integrate into the community. The study also highlights the importance of empowering the women in this minority and could help society by encouraging the flow of money outside the banks. - The purpose of this article is to assess the attitudes, perceptions and knowledge of Islamic financial products and services. - A synoptic overview of empirical analyzes on Islamic financial products and services and comparison with the literature on conventional financial services and products. - It was found that although religious, abstract and figures. Islamic banking has experienced remarkable growth over the past decade. The purpose of this study is to investigate some factors that influence the choice of Islamic banking and finance. Abstract. This article examines the attitudes of Libyan companies towards Islamic financing methods. A sample of companies is surveyed through telephone interviews during and. Bank customers' attitudes towards Islamic banks are discussed, along with the perceived unique features of Islamic banks by their customers, and the importance of their selection. This limitation makes Islamic banks different from financial institutions in many ways. The Islamic banking system in Pakistan was introduced in such a way that the intermediary role of the banking system remained undisturbed. While the banking system in Iran is used as a tool for achieving the goals and objectives of Islam, Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited IBBL was incorporated as a public limited company under the Companies Act and started its financial activities with effect from March. Attitude and behavioral intention towards Islamic banking. Through the lens of marketing, researchers view attitudes as related to consumers' behavioral intentions, such as purchasing behavior, purchasing experience, and product trials. Attitudes towards any product or service are developed from communications and Islamic banking, but in practice the purpose of Islamic banking is clearly focused on a profit-oriented entity rather than a social-based entity. They further indicate that attention is being paid

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