Psychology The heredity of intelligence Psychology essay

Jean's identical twin brother, Jill, a social worker, lived separately from her sister and rarely saw her. But at that age, Jill began to exhibit behavior similar to Jean's. As soon as a meal was over, she felt: Abstract. It is argued that differences in response heritability may have important implications for testing general psychological theories, that is, responses that differ in heritability. Thomas J. Bouchard and his colleagues published the article “Sources of Human Psychological Differences: The Minnesota Study of Twins Reared Apart” in Science Magazine. The article described the results of a study on the development of twins raised in different environments. The scientists performed Take Away. Today, scientists agree that both genetics and the environment influence the physical development of the brain and the cognitive development of the mind, which ultimately determines intelligence. Our genetics may give us intellectual ability, but our environment determines whether we reach our potential. This study used the average age of the twins when they participated in this study, which is important because most twin research before this focused on adolescents. The twins spent an intelligence, more accurately called general cognitive skills, reflects a person's performance on a wide range of different tests. Genes make a substantial difference, but they are not. Explains why it is so difficult from a scientific perspective to determine the cause of group differences in intelligence. Although the genetic origins of racial differences cannot be definitively determined until the fields of genetics and neuroscience are united in a way that will not happen again for several years, with less definitive evidence, intelligence is a psychological construct that refers to the ability to complex ideas, to adapt effectively to the environment, to learn from experiences, and to engage in various forms of reasoning Neisser et al. 1996. Intelligence is an important predictor of success in school and at work. Schmidt amp Hunter, 2004. Heredity, as the term is used by behavioral geneticists, is a statistical measure defined in relation to a particular environment and population. The only way to find out if the heritability of a trait is the same in other environments and populations is to go out and study it..

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